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Monday9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Tuesday9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Wednesday9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Thursday9:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday10:00 am - 2pm
SundayAfter Hours Care

Lunch hour from 1pm to 2pm

After hours care, please call: 416-299-1460




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Virtual Community Mental Health Programs

Home  /  Mental Wellness  /  Virtual Community Mental Health Programs

Mental Health Supportive Psychotherapy Group

Families with members who have mental health needs often face day-to-day stress and challenges. These families often wish they have a support group to share their challenges, resources and helpful coping strategies.  Our team of dedicated mental health professionals have lived experiences in this area and will provide you with the support you need while equipping you with practical tools to build connection, resiliency and improved coping. If you are a parent or a caregiver who have loved ones living with mental health needs, this group is designed for you.

What to expect from the course?

  1. Concepts from Emotionally Focused Therapy will be used to guide building resiliency and secure attachment with your family member living with mental health needs. 
  2. Practical tools and resources developed by leading experts will be introduced and opportunities for implementation will be provided in the groups.
  3. Offer a supportive, welcoming, understanding, validating place to share the joys and stresses of living with mental health needs in a family.
  4. Share practical challenges, tools and resources

This program will be held on the first and third Wednesday noon of each month.

Participants with a valid OHIP card can join the course free of charge.

Parenting Supportive Psychotherapy Group

Parents with children of any age often face day-to-day stress and challenges. These parents often wish they have a support group to share their challenges, resources and helpful coping strategies.  Our team of dedicated mental health professionals have lived experiences in this area and will provide you with the support you need while equipping you with practical tools to build connection, resiliency and improve coping. If you are a parent or a caregiver of children who wish to be part of a supportive community, this group is designed for you.  It takes a village to raise a child.

What to expect from the course?

  1. Concepts from Emotionally Focused Therapy will be used to guide building resiliency and secure attachment with your children regardless of their age. 
  2. Practical tools and resources developed by leading experts will be introduced and opportunities for implementation will be provided in the groups.
  3. Offer a supportive, welcoming, understanding, validating place to share the joys and stresses of parenting.
  4. Share practical challenges, tools and resources

This program will be held on the second and fourth Wednesday noon of each month.

Participants with a valid OHIP card can join the course free of charge.

Neurodiversity Supportive Psychotherapy Group

Families with members who have special needs often face different day-to-day stress and challenges. Our team of dedicated mental health professionals have lived experiences in this area and will provide you with the support you need while equipping you with practical tools to build connection, resiliency and improved coping. If you are a parent or a caregiver who have loved ones living with ASD or ADHD or you are living with neurodiversity yourself, this group is designed for you.

What to expect from the course?

  1. Building resiliency, safe connections and secure attachments with your family member living with neuro-diversity such as ASD and ADHD. 
  2. Introducing practical tools and resources to encourage family members to prioritize connection.
  3. A safe place and groups for sharing and support.

This program consists of twenty-four 50-min sessions , it is a one year program, will be held on the second and fourth Tuesday noon of each month.

Participants with a valid OHIP card can join the course free of charge.

Hold Me Tight – Created for Connection (Couple Relationship)

  • Hold Me Tight® or its Christian version, Created for Connectionis an educational program based on the theory and practice of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). Created on the foundations of studies of adult attachment theory, EFT is an empirically tested model of couples therapy that has shown excellent, lasting outcomes with many different kinds of couples. Over the last two decades, EFT has developed as a systematic and powerfully effective approach to reducing relationship distress and helping couples create mutual emotional accessibility, responsiveness and engagement. The ultimate goal of EFT is to enable partners to not only reduce conflict and distance but to shape their relationship into a more loving secure bond that nurtures growth and healing.  

What do you gain?

  1. Understanding Love and Attachment
  2. How Love Goes Wrong – The Demon Dialogues
  3. Finding the Raw Spots in the Demon Dialogues
  4. Fixing Mistakes and Creating a Secure Base: Revisiting a Rocky Moment
  5. Becoming Open and Responsive: The Hold Me Tight® Conversation 

This program consists of twelve 1.25-hour sessions (15 hours in total).

You are encouraged to join in person for a more effective learning outcomes, especially participants who have young children. Parents can leave their children at Children’s Sunday School and pick them up after class.

Journey to Wholeness: Coming Home to the Self

emotionally focused individual therapy
  • Don’t waste your pain, grow with the pain and through the pain.
  • Use the power of emotions to move into new life giving directions.
  • Use the power of corrective emotional experiences to find a new sense of self, that is worthy and strong.

This is the first Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT) educational group in the world! Participants will have the opportunity to harness the power of emotions to shape new connections and your sense of self!

What do you gain?

  1. Gain crucial skills to recognize your own interactional and emotional processes (i.e., understanding and responding to people and emotions) that underlie relationship disconnection and personal distress.
  2. Transform alien, frightening, unacceptable emotions into normal, human, understandable experiences that reshape relational connections and sense of self 
  3. Join with people who have similar experience as you within our psycho-educational experiential learning and support groups.

This program consists of ten 1.5-hour sessions (15 hours in total).

Each session will revolve around a certain topic that is accompanied by a key conversation and several hands-on exercises that require your active participation.

Hanging Tight on the Ride with DBT Skills

This virtual group provides a space for you to learn the practical skills of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) that include how to better regulate your emotions, practice interpersonal skills, tolerate distress, increase awareness of thoughts and emotions, foster mindfulness, gain new connections, and develop a level of comfort in a social context. 

What to expect from the course?

  1. Manage overwhelming emotions
  2. Form, keep, and improve your relationships with families, friends, communities 
  3. Experience peace of mind and be present in the moment/

This program consists of ten 1.5-hour sessions (15 hours in total).

Spots are limited, and we strongly advise that you commit to attend every session for optimal learning and to ensure a safe environment for all participants.

Hold Me Tight: Created for Connection

Hold me tight created for connection christian based couples therapy course

Hold Me Tight® or its Christian version, Created for Connection is a joint program with Toronto Christian Community Church (TCCC), a Christian-based couple relationship education and enhancement program based on the theory and practice of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT). 

What to expect from the course?

  1. Attachment and Relationships, Health and Emotion Regulation
  2. Attachment needs and fears
  3. The negative interactional cycle
  4. Emotional accessibility, responsiveness and engagement are the keys to lasting love

This program consists of twelve 1.25-hour sessions (15 hours in total).

You are encouraged to join in person for a more effective learning outcomes, especially participants who have young children. Parents can leave their children at Children’s Sunday School and pick them up after class. 

Register today to save your seat!

Overclocked: Deescalating Digital Overstimulation

technology addiction, regain control

Overclocked: Deescalating Digital Overstimulation (Overclocked)  is a virtual course for youths and young adults designed to restore a healthier balance and satisfying relationships. It is not a group counselling session but a psycho-education virtual course that offers an understanding of how the brain works, skills learning and support groups to each participant. The course is ideal for ages 16-25 years old.

What to expect from the course?

  1. Learn about the neuroscience of gaming addiction
  2. Learn strategies to balance real connections and gaming / social media addiction 
  3. Meet like-minded individuals going through similar challenges

This program consists of six 1.5-hour sessions (9 hours in total). 

Each session will revolve around a certain topic that is accompanied by a key conversation and several hands-on exercises to help rewire your brain that require your active participation.

Seats are very limited. Register today!