Thank you for completing and submitting this new patient registration form.
The New Patient Registration is a two-step process. When appointment time slots open, you will receive an email with a link to a booking portal to schedule your initial Meet-and-Greet appointment.
New patient appointment slots are limited and quickly filled. Please periodically check the booking portal to schedule your appointment. New appointment slots are made available in the booking portal every four months. DO NOT CALL us to book your first appointments.
By filling out this form, you are still not formally accepted as a patient of Grace Health Centre. Meet & Greet on-site appointment with the doctor will determine this acceptance upon mutual agreement.
Thanks for your patience.
新患者註冊分為兩個步驟。當預約時段開放時,你將收到一封電子郵件,附有預約醫生會而的鏈結,你可以點撃鏈結預約首次見面 (meet and greet)。
填寫表格後,並不代表你已正式成為惠恩健康中心的病人;醫患關係在首次會見(meet and greet),並經過雙方同意的情況下,再作決定。