Insects and bug bites can be bothersome! Grace Health Centre knows that dealing with bugs can be annoying and stressful, here are some tips to prevent bug bites and avoid the risk of disease.
Pack insect repellent! Bugs such as mosquitoes, ticks and fleas are carriers for malaria, yellow fever, Zika, dengue and Lyme Disease.
For example, those infected with the Zika virus may have mild symptoms that include:
Red eyes
Lack of energy
Muscle or joint pain
Other insect related diseases include:
Symptoms: Fever, chills, sweats, fatigue, nausea
Prevention: Antimalarial medication (consult your doctor), mosquito avoidance
Grace Health Centre cares for you and your well-being. For your convenience, our doctors offer extensive appointment care coverage on weekdays and Saturdays. We offer in-person appointments, as well as telephone visits for when you are out of town.
Ensure to call our office first rather than visiting a local walk-in, and note that both yourself and your health care provider must be in Ontario for the visit to be covered under OHIP.